Dr Pénélope Giovanetto-Katsiardani is a postgraduate of the Medical School of Athens. She graduated with honours in June 2004, a beneficiary of the Papadakis scholarship. She earned a PhD from the Medical School of Thessaloniki in 2011 - her doctoral thesis concerned left-handedness and learning disorders in children in association with obstetrical issues.
She also has Μaster's Degrees in Colposcopy (Pité Salpêtrière), Hysteroscopy (Tenon), Infertility (Tenon), Family planning (St-Vincent de Paul), and Sexology (Bobigny). She worked as a resident at Montmorency Hospital and Pontoise Hospital in France and as consulting physician at the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Tenon Hospital. Currently she has her practice in Groslay, France, where she continues her specialisation in ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics. She has been a member of the French Society of Colposcopy since 2010. Her principal research interests are in the fields of oxidative stress, genetics, infertility, menopause, minimal invasive gynecological surgery, obstetrics and ultrasound.