- Michelakos T, Kousoulis AA, Katsiardanis K, Dessypris N, Anastasiou A, Kanavidis P, Stefanadis C, Papadopoulos FC, Petridou ET. "Serum folate and B12 levels in association with cognitive impairment among seniors: results from the VELESTINO study in Greece and meta-analysis". Journal of Aging and Health (under review)
- Kousoulis AA, Michelakos T, Katsiardani KP, Katsiardanis K, Anastasiou A, Stefanadis C, Petridou ET. "Socio-cultural predictors of injuries: Life-course experience of hospitalized injuries during the past century in the VELESTINO Study". Injury (under review)
- Katsiardanis K, Diamantaras AA, Dessypris N, Michelakos T, Anastasiou A, Katsiardani KP, Kanavidis P, Papadopoulos FC, Stefanadis C, Panagiotakos DB, Petridou ET. "Cognitive impairment and dietary habits among elders: the VELESTINO Study". Journal of Medicinal Food (accepted)
- Papadopoulos FC, Petridou E, Argyropoulou S, Kontaxakis V, Dessypris N, Anastasiou A, Katsiardani KP, Trichopoulos D, Lyketsos C. "Prevalence and Correlates of Depression in Late Life: A Population Based Study from a Rural Greek Town". Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 20, no. 4 (Apr 2005): 350-7.