Giovanetto Manuel

Dr Manuel Giovanetto is licensed in both general medicine (DES Paris VI, Pierre-Marie Curie) and as a veterinary doctor (Veterinary School of Paris, Maisons Alfort). He first graduated with honours in Life Sciences in Paris in 1999, going on to earn a Master's in Public Health and Veterinary Business.
His interests include epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases, vaccination, allergies and health problems in children, Lyme disease, and correlations between breast feeding and socio-economic factors. He has diplomas in  Mesotherapy (Pité Salpêtrière), Colposcopy (Tenon), Hysteroscopy, Endoscopy and Cervico-Vaginal Pathology (Tenon).
He is experienced in both the public and private sector, having worked in the Virology Department of the Greek Ministry of Agriculture, the Faculty of Medicine at University Hospital CHU Henri Mondor in Créteil, in paediatrics and geriatrics at hospital CH Simone VEIL at Montmorency, at several family planning clinics around Paris, and the emergency department at CHU Lariboisière hospital in Paris. As a veterinary assistant and doctor, he has over 10 years experience at veterinary clinics in France and Greece. Most recently he has attended training courses on risk factors in old age, infant nutrition and pregnant and breastfeeding women, and management of primary health care centres. He is fluent in four languages; French, Italian, English, and Greek, with a diploma in Modern Greek from The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.