Lionis Christos

Brief Curriculum Vitae

Christos Lionis MD PhD

Professor of General Practice and Primary Health Care FRCGP (Hon)

Postal contact details: Clinic of Social and Family Medicine, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Crete, Voutes Heraklion, Zip Code 71003, PO Box
2208, Crete, Greece, Tel: +30 2810 394621, Fax: +30 2810 394606, e-mail:


Christos Lionis graduated from the University of Athens Medical School in 1979, and
is certified in both Internal Medicine and Social Medicine (Public Health). He also
holds a PhD from the University of Crete entitled: ‘An educational intervention in
junior high school students for the prevention of coronary heart disease’.


Since 1995 Christos Lionis has worked at the University of Crete Medical School,
where he is Professor and Director of the Clinic of Social and Family Medicine.
With a passion for the importance and the value of Family Medicine, Christos is
actively involved in the development of Primary Care and General Practice on Crete,
particularly in rural areas. He currently co-ordinates a thriving GP network, and is
also responsible for the supervision of a number of PhD students.
Previous to his employment at the University of Crete, Christos worked for 9 years
as Manager and Medical Director of Spili Health Centre, obtaining experience as a
clinician and researcher in the field of Primary Health Care and General Practice.
From 2001 to 2004 Christos held the title of Deputy General Director of the Regional
Health and Welfare system of Crete, a planning and regulatory body forming part
of the Greek National Health Service with responsibility for overseeing all health
and welfare services. He was elected as Professor of General Practice and Primary
Health Care at the School of Medicine, University of Crete, Greece at the end of
2009. Since 2009, Christos has co-ordinated the Primary Health Care Unit at the
Municipality of Heraklion, a shared initiative with the University Hospital and the
Municipality of Heraklion. This facility offers medical care and assistance to socio
economic deprived individuals, with a specific focus on chronic disorders.

Research interests

The Clinic of Social and Family Medicine undertakes a number of experimental
studies and research projects, with a particular emphasis on multidisciplinary
approaches to health care, and consideration of social and psychological factors
affecting health. Christos’ key research activities and interest focus on primary
health care and family medicine, quality management, and the formulation of
guidelines for management of common disease and chronic conditions. He also has a
particular interest in factors contributing to cardiovascular disease, gastroenterology
and mental health. Christos and his research team at the University of Crete are
involved in four FP7 European funded projects (one as coordinator) that are
currently in progress as follows: “OTC SOCIOMED” (FP7-HEALTH-2007-B,
”Assessing The Over-The-Counter Medications in Primary Care and Translating
The Theory of Planned Behaviour into Interventions Project number 223654)
(, “RESTORE” (FP7-Health -2010-two stage
Health.2010.3.1-1, ”Better understanding of dissemination and implementation
strategies”,, “TRANSFORM” (FP7-ICT-2009-4, Project
number 247787, ”Translational Medicine and Patient Safety in Europe” and EU-WISE ("Self-care Support for People with Long
Term Conditions, Diabetes and Heart Disease: A Whole System Approach EU-WISE
Grant Agreement Number: 279081). In addition his fields of expertise comprise of
needs assessments, morbidity in general practice, diagnostic studies and probability,
diseases’ determinants and quality in primary care. More recently, Christos has
become interested in the concept of ‘compassionate care’ and has worked with a
colleague from UK (Mrs Sue Shea) in developing and delivering a successful elective
for students at the University of Crete Medical School.

International Work

Christos has collaborated with, and developed valuable affiliations via collaborative
European/research projects with institutions and Medical Universities in the UK,
(Kings College London, University of Glasgow, University of Liverpool, University
of Manchester and Guys and St Thomas Hospital) in the Netherlands, (Radbound
University Nijmegen and Leiden University) as well as certain other Universities and
Networks in Europe such as in France, Cyprus, Malta, Austria and Czech Republic.
He was recently awarded an Honorary Fellowship from the Royal College of General
Practitioners (RCGP) London. In addition, he regularly collaborates with various
other countries including Sweden (where he spent 6 months at the Health Sciences
School, Linköping University as a guest professor and researcher) and Turkey in the
framework of either Erasmus staff and students exchange programmes.


Christos has published 205 papers in international journals (205 of which are cited in
PubMed), in addition to 72 publications in Greek journals.