Name: Christina CHRYSOHOOU, MD, PhD
Date of birth: July 14, 1967
Profession: Medical Doctor, Cardiologist
Senior Registrar Cardiologist, 1st Cardiology Clinic, University
of Athens, Greece
Dr Chrysohoou was born in Athens at 1967 and finished Patras University- Medical School at
January 1993 (entered after National examinations at 1986). During 1994-1995 she studied
internal medicine at St Anargyroi Oncological Hospital, Athens, Greece. At 2000 she fulfilled her
training in Cardiology (1st Cardiology Clinic University of Athens) and afterwards she obtained her
doctorate in the field of the echocardiographic evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function.
1/7/2000-30/8/2004 : Research Associate of Cardiology Clinic, School of Medicine, University
of Athens , where she also had the clinical attendance of adult patients with b- thalassemia
major, School of Medicine and she worked as a Cardiologist in the Hypertension Unit of the 1rst
Cardiology Clinic, University of Athens, Hippokratio Hospital. During that time she has been
trained in echocardiography at the University of Athens and University of London, St Georges
Hospital; in Epidemiology and Medical Statistics at London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine (summer school 2000); in heart failure and cardiac MRI, as a post-doctorial fellow, at the
Cardiology Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington DC, USA.(9/2004-4/2005)
where the Head of ther Cardiology department is Prof Steve Singh,. Since May 2006 she works
as a cardiologist (registrar) in the 1st Cardiology Clinic of University of Athens, Greece where she
works at the Heart Failure unit, in the echocardiography unit and in the epidemiology unit, where
she conducts studies in heart failure clinical epidemiology (the Hellenic Heart Failure study), in the
new-onset heart failure after an acute coronary syndrome and in longevity (IKARIA study).
Dr Chrysohoou has been participated in the education in Cardiology of medical students at the
University of Athens, Medical Schooland Harokopio University (Dietary and Dietician Department)
and has given many lectures in her field of expertise. Furthermore, she has participated in many
European projects (Euroheart Surveys, AIRGENE, Heart Failure Rehabilitation). She has been
participated in several public lectures about health care , TV programmes and press interviews
on nutrition, exercise, smoking, cessation and weight management. She has been working with
Hellenic Heart Foundation and Hellenic Society of Cardiology (working group of epidemiology and
prevention) for this cause.
Dr Chrysohoou is the main author or co-author of 220 original scientific articles in International
peer reviewed journals (I.F726, citation index 3298 (12/9/2012)) and of approximately 800
announcements in international scientific meetings; and she has received international awards
Furthermore, she is a Reviewer in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, International Journal
of Cardiology, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, European Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, Εxpert Review on Cardiovascular Therapy, Preventive Medicine, American Journal of
Hypertension, Atherosclerosis, European journal of prevetion and rehabilitation, American Journal
of Medicine and others. She has acted as Editorial Advisory Board Member at the journal <Recent
patents on Cardiovascular Drug Duscovery>, Bentham Science and chief Editor in the Special issue
on cardiovacsular risk factors and longevity.
She has given invited telephone conferences on the topics of beta-thalassaemia major and
prehypertension and inflammation ( scientific committee: Dr Christie Ballantyne, Dr Steven Haffner,
Dr Wolfgang Koenig, Dr Richard Nesto, Dr Paul Ridker, Dr Nader Rifai.) Furthermore, a spotlight
on her work was published in Circulation, 17 April 2007, in the section European Perspectives in
She has studied cliassical music-piano at Athens Conservatory from 1977-1990.