1992-1993: M.Sc. in Statistics, Department of Probability and Statistics, University
of Sheffield.
Diploma in Statistics, Department of Probability and Statistics,
University of Sheffield, ENGLAND.
Post graduate studies in Statistics. Principle courses of the MSc studies: Statistical Methods, Linear Models, Generalized Linear Models, Probability Modelling, Statistical Principles, Simulation, Computer Intensive Methods in Statistics, Multivariate Analysis, Clinical Trials, Time Series. Continuously practice in statistical packages ex: SAS, SPSS, MINITAB, GLIM.
1986-1991: Graduate from the Department of Mathematics, University of Athens.
1995- : From 1995 I am working as statistician in research programs at the Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Medical School, University of Athens. Principal fields of interest are injuries, cancer and mortality trends. Participation in more than 80 peer reviewed articles. For the Velestino study I have supervised the questionnaire for the data collection, the data error checking and the statistical analysis of the published researches.